There is no naturally formed lake in Saxony.
This is an example of how people have shaped the landscape for many centuries and continue to shape it. The fishing clubs are part of this development.
An important part of the work is water management, fish farming, stocking measures and population regulation. Anyone who wants to actively protect the environment and enjoys fishing is welcome in the USG Fishing Department.
What requirements must be met for this?
On the one hand, interest and empathy for nature (qualification - fishing license) and on the other hand, the willingness to get involved as a member of our association.
As a member of the USG you have several advantages:
- cost-effective use of the water fund
- community events and exchange of experiences
- Opportunity for active participation and involvement in the club (for example as water warden, youth warden, treasurer, board member, etc.)
- There is additional insurance cover for volunteers
(legally and through the association) - democratic organizational structure with equal rights and obligations for members
- Association magazine (published quarterly) - every member receives free of charge with current information from the following associations and institutions:
- State Association of Saxon Anglers e. V.
- Anglers' Association "Elbflorenz" Dresden e. V.
- Anglers Association of South Saxony Mulde/Elster e. V.
- Anglerverband Leipzig e. V.
- Saxon State Fisheries Association e. V. in cooperation with the Saxon Animal Disease Fund / Fish Health Service, the State Office for Environment, Agriculture and Geology and the Saxon Fisheries Advisor
Further information about fishing in Saxony, membership fees and costs can be found at: