Senior Sports

Senior Sports & Senior Gymnastics in Old Age
It's never too late to exercise! Regular exercise in old age can ensure that you age more healthily and remain independent and fit. Both physically and mentally. Sport for seniors is an important element of health care and therefore also for health in old age. You can start exercising regularly even if you are in need of care and in old age.
We have a women-only sports group in dry gymnastics and numerous mixed groups in water and dry gymnastics in various sports rooms and therapy pools in the city of Chemnitz. Our instructors train the seniors' cardiovascular system, balance, coordination, equilibrium, muscle building and also the brain. All exercises are age-appropriate and can be carried out by each participant at the desired or physically possible intensity.
Older people can improve their health and gain vitality and zest for life through sport and exercise. In our groups, important social contacts often develop between participants within a very short time, often even beyond the sports group.
Would you also like to join one of our senior sports groups and keep fit among like-minded people?
Please contact the USG sports office on 0371-531 190 30. You will receive all the necessary information there. We look forward to hearing from you.